Sunday, March 4, 2012

Night Sickness?

Week 7

Late last week, the nausea set it. Instead of morning sickness, I get afternoon and night sickness. I stayed home from Wednesday night worship and had difficulty at our Thursday night Bible Study at John and Jacki’s house. In many ways, I am so thankful. Working with kids is hard work and I cannot imagine feeling this ill around my students during the day. However, the night sickness makes it very difficult to do anything that needs to get done at home. Friday night I got really sick for the first time. I had just cleaned up the house for the scrapbooking ladies I was having over Saturday morning, when I began feeling very yuck. I tried to get ready for dinner and nothing sounded good at all. Chris tried to get me out of this house, but my trip to the toilet throne made him realize I was not exaggerating. He went to Chick-fil-A and picked up a kids meal with grilled chicken, fruit, and chocolate milk. Lately, the only things that sound good are fruit, vegetables, and crackers. The thought of meat or chicken makes me nauseous and everything smells funny. I think the hormones have really kicked in. Chris told me that I really need to be eating protein and that he read that it would help with the nausea. It was pretty funny, because he told me that he really needed me to eat my food and that it was good for me. He is already training to be a great dad by having to baby me! I ate the food and felt much better. The chewy chicken did gross me out though. The last couple of days have been tough and nothing sounds good at all. I thought everything would taste good during pregnancy. Boy was I wrong and how sad this is for a food lover. 

Baby Size- Blueberry (has doubled in size since last week)
Developments- Your arms and feet and beginning to take shape this week! 
Eyelid folds are partially covering your peepers, which already have some color, as well as the tip of your nose and tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin. Both hemispheres of your brain are growing, and the liver is churning out red blood cells until bone marrow forms and takes over this role. You also have an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. A loop in your growing intestines is bulging into the umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from your tiny body.
 Cravings- Nothing really sounds great, but I am eating a lot of fruit, cheese, milk and carbs.
Symptoms- Food aversions, dizzy, tired, and realizing that I really am pregnant and not invincible.

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