Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day

Week 19 

My other brother, Zack, turned 32 on Saturday. I completely forgot to call him on his birthday. I have never done that before. I was quickly forgiven since his wife is expecting their third child. He said something like, “You’re Pregnant.” I love it. I should be using this more.
We went to Ryan and Alexia’s for yummy food. We all live in the same neighborhood, so it is so nice to get the phone call asking us over for dinner. Ryan grills delicious things and we eat to our heart’s delight. A big thing happened though. I ate steak. For the first time in over three months, I ate juicy meat. I licked my plate clean before anyone else and Ryan told me I should eat more. I listened to the smart man and helped myself. I am the bottomless pit.
On Memorial Day, we had both of our families over to the house. It is not often that we get to bring our families together. We had bbq and had planned to share our big news with everyone. Our parents came over a little earlier for a bigger reveal and we shared the news with our brothers and sister in laws. We are having a baby girl! It was so fun to tell everyone and let this secret out. We have a video of how we shared this with our parents. You will have to take a look to see! Something about pink helium balloons in a box…

Baby Size- Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato.

Developments- Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now. Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid. Interesting is all I can say here.

Cravings- I ate STEAK!!! Still eating eggs and drinking lots of milk.

Symptoms- What is heartburn? I did not know the answer to this question until last Friday when I had Chris call the doctor at 11:30pm. I could not breathe, my chest was burning, and I had stabbing pains for over 45 minutes. Tums were not helping, but Mylanta finally did the trick. This was your Dad’s first mission to have to run out and get me something. : ) I am feeling her move around. She is an active little girl.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Boy or Girl?

Week 18

Oh my goodness! We have been so excited and have patiently waited to find out if you are a boy or a girl. I was so nervous before the appointment and I made sure to have some sugar that morning to get you moving. I was so worried that you would be asleep and that we would not find out. It would be torture to wait another 4 weeks to try again. Our appointment was Monday and you should be 18 weeks and 1 day at this point. You measured 18 weeks and 5 days at this appointment. I think you might be tall like your parents. : )The sono technician asked us if we wanted to find out and what we wanted, a boy or girl. We wanted you to be healthy and we will continue to pray for that every day. She showed up your side profile and your brain. Measurements were SLOWLY taken and everything looked good. Then, we saw your little arms and a foot. We have a photo where you are showing off a foot. I am sorry sweet baby, but you are doomed either way. Feet are never particularly pretty, but your dad and I have ogre feet. We would not really make out what she was looking at next, but then she stopped. Chris was getting video on his phone the whole time, so he was sitting pretty quietly. She asked him if he had a job. He thought she was talking about what his job was today in this whole process. His response was that he has several jobs. She told him he would need them, because his little GIRL would probably like shopping. My husband had already done the cost analysis on having a girl and he was certainly aware of the extra expenses he would encounter. I was shaking and crying at the same time. I asked her how sure she was and explained that I have heard stories about how a sonogram is not always accurate and we could find out later that it was a boy. She showed us the three little lines and assured us that she had never been wrong and that she was sure you are a little girl. More importantly, you look healthy. I cannot believe that we are having a little girl. I LOVE YOU even more already and we have got to start working on names now. We cannot share our news with anyone until next week on Memorial Day. Your Dad is in Arkansas for work the rest of the week. We are having both of our families to the house on Monday and it is going to be really tough to keep this secret. Ahh! We are having a GIRL!!!The office can definitely not stay blue. 

Baby Size- Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces.

Developments- Blood vessels are visible through thin skin, and ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around nerves, a process that will continue for a year after the birth. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place.

Cravings- I am still craving sleep and I am sooo hungry now. I am eating everything in sight. It does not matter what it is. I am going to be a very big girl if I keep eating like this. My students even wrote me in to one of their stories this week. Something about their teacher eating snacks all day. Ha! Those stinkers…I love ‘em.

Symptoms- Exhaustion, headaches, hunger, growing larger.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Busy Week

Week 17

This week was extra busy. We took the entire 4th grade to Austin on Tuesday and toured the Capitol and Bob Bullock Museum. The Senate was in session and the kids got to see a little bit of action take place, which was really neat. I will say that when I took my students four years ago, the impact was a lot different. Most of my current students vacation in foreign countries and seeing the state capital was not all that impressive. We left at about 5:45am and I got home at around 9pm. I knew it would be a long week, but sleep is my current craving.
My Papa Jones’ girlfriend, Winnie, passed away this weekend. My family found out too late that she had a heart attack and she was already gone before we could see her. She took vacations with my Papa in his last years and they were always smiling together. I loved Winnie. She was not my grandmother, but she was very special to me. She lived a wonderful life and made it to 90 years.
On a happy note, my big brother’s 36th birthday was on Wednesday.  He turned 36. Old man! It is still so funny to think that my big brother and husband were friends long before Chris and I met. Things always work out perfectly, don’t they?
Friday night we went to Dave and Libby’s for dinner. We ate Libby’s famous guacamole and salsa and Dave made delicious fajitas on the Green Egg. I was super tired after this long week, so I think we left a little early. We got to enjoy the company of the Thurman’s as well. We are so lucky to have such great friends.
Saturday, we had Robby’s 2nd birthday party. He was so precious with all of his monsters! Christy and Tres are expecting their second in late August and they are keeping it a surprise this time. Boy or girl, I know our kids will be little friends.  Christy is a teacher too, and I am sure I will be calling her in those first weeks for support.
Today is Mother’s Day. My sweet husband made me feel special about being a mom. I do not technically have you in my arms yet, but you are a part of me and I am so thankful. Some kind person even mailed me a card in the mail that was from you. How clever! I know it was someone from a Fort Worth address, but they left the card blank. Precious. 

Baby Size- Our baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and is around 5 inches long from head to bottom.

Developments- The baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — the lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. They can move joints, and sweat glands are starting to develop.

Cravings-  Still loving pizza, pasta, milk, fruit, and cereal. I am so glad I am eating!

Symptoms- SO TIRED. It is the end of the school year, the kids have taken over, and I worked a 14 hour day on Tuesday taking the kids to Austin. What a long week! I am hoping for more sleep this week. Right…

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

Week 16

 This was a pretty boring week. We had our cars inspected at the Kwik Kar in Argyle. Chris’ Uncle Tom and Patty own the shop and we enjoy visiting with them while we have work done. Patty was at home, but we surprised Tom when he came in after lunch. We were a little nervous about any work that might need to be done on my car in order for it to pass inspection. A belt in the engine had to be replaced. It was close to the end of its life expectancy, but it was not a huge expense. We are looking for a bigger vehicle for our FAMILY car. I love it! As you can tell, this week was pretty boring and I loved it. I have felt good again this week and have not gotten sick yet. Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Baby Size- Right now, the baby is about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces.

Developments- legs are much more developed, head is more erect than it has been, and eyes have moved closer to the front of the head. The ears are close to their final position, too. The baby has even started growing toenails.

Cravings-  Should I say Mexican food? Still not really excited about food, but I am eating more.

Symptoms- I am getting a few headaches, but what teacher doesn’t? These seem a little stronger though and I am short of breath a lot more often. It could be allergies?