Sunday, May 13, 2012

Busy Week

Week 17

This week was extra busy. We took the entire 4th grade to Austin on Tuesday and toured the Capitol and Bob Bullock Museum. The Senate was in session and the kids got to see a little bit of action take place, which was really neat. I will say that when I took my students four years ago, the impact was a lot different. Most of my current students vacation in foreign countries and seeing the state capital was not all that impressive. We left at about 5:45am and I got home at around 9pm. I knew it would be a long week, but sleep is my current craving.
My Papa Jones’ girlfriend, Winnie, passed away this weekend. My family found out too late that she had a heart attack and she was already gone before we could see her. She took vacations with my Papa in his last years and they were always smiling together. I loved Winnie. She was not my grandmother, but she was very special to me. She lived a wonderful life and made it to 90 years.
On a happy note, my big brother’s 36th birthday was on Wednesday.  He turned 36. Old man! It is still so funny to think that my big brother and husband were friends long before Chris and I met. Things always work out perfectly, don’t they?
Friday night we went to Dave and Libby’s for dinner. We ate Libby’s famous guacamole and salsa and Dave made delicious fajitas on the Green Egg. I was super tired after this long week, so I think we left a little early. We got to enjoy the company of the Thurman’s as well. We are so lucky to have such great friends.
Saturday, we had Robby’s 2nd birthday party. He was so precious with all of his monsters! Christy and Tres are expecting their second in late August and they are keeping it a surprise this time. Boy or girl, I know our kids will be little friends.  Christy is a teacher too, and I am sure I will be calling her in those first weeks for support.
Today is Mother’s Day. My sweet husband made me feel special about being a mom. I do not technically have you in my arms yet, but you are a part of me and I am so thankful. Some kind person even mailed me a card in the mail that was from you. How clever! I know it was someone from a Fort Worth address, but they left the card blank. Precious. 

Baby Size- Our baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and is around 5 inches long from head to bottom.

Developments- The baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — the lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. They can move joints, and sweat glands are starting to develop.

Cravings-  Still loving pizza, pasta, milk, fruit, and cereal. I am so glad I am eating!

Symptoms- SO TIRED. It is the end of the school year, the kids have taken over, and I worked a 14 hour day on Tuesday taking the kids to Austin. What a long week! I am hoping for more sleep this week. Right…

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