Sunday, April 29, 2012

Am I feeling better?

Week 15

Last Monday, I had my 14 week appointment. This was my third visit and the first one in which I did not have an ultrasound. I was very excited when they still used the Doppler on my stomach and I could hear your heartbeat. It was 157 this time and it was 185 during the 10 week appointment. Some people make gender predictions based on this heart rate. We will find out if you are a boy or girl at our next appointment on May 21st.  I can’t wait! It is always good to confirm that you are doing well and hearing your heartbeat is magical. We are talking to you more and I am so curious about you. My belly is definitely getting bigger and it is so funny to see it at the end of the day. I think it doubles in size. The stretching is immense and my tummy feels so hard, like it could not stretch any further.

This was a busy week with STAAR testing at school. I was a little worried about not eating or having a restroom break for four hours. It worked out just fine. The week really flew by.  : ) On Saturday, something wonderful happened, I did not feel very sick. I had energy. I actually enjoyed dinner! Chris and I went to Main Street in Grapevine and had dinner on the patio of Farinas. It reminded me of sitting in a piazza in Italy. It was so enjoyable to spend time with my husband and feel normal again. I am so thankful. I am still having a few episodes, but overall I am feeling much better and have energy to get things done. My brain is working a little better too! It is time to catch up on all the things that I have not done yet. I can’t believe how many people have already asked me if I have registered. Ha! There are 21 days of school left. Looking forward to summer… : )

Baby Size- Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). 
Developments- legs are growing longer than the arms now, and they can move all of their joints and limbs. Although eyelids are still shut,  they can sense light. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but he/she is forming taste buds.
Cravings- Still playing it safe and not eating meat. Chris asked if he could grill chicken one night and I had to laugh. We have not had chicken at home in over three months and it used to be a staple. He grilled two breasts. I enjoyed an egg sandwich again and still like Italian more than any other kind of food.
Symptoms- Still nauseated, but have not had any “productive” sessions this week. I do feel like I am a balloon that might explode after I eat dinner at night. It is amazing how eating can hurt so badly. I know now why they say to eat smaller portions all day and not a big meal at once. Overall, I have a lot more energy and I am feeling more like myself. 

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